„Life-seeking, ice-melting robots could punch through Europa’s icy shell | MIT Technology Review“ by Robin George Andrews

The magazin MIT Technology Review has published in article by Robin George Andrews about the exploration of icy moons. Also TRIPLE has caught some attention!


STE2023-II Synergy meeting of the DLR Explorer initiatives

The synergy meeting of the DLR Explorer Initiatives will take place at the DLR Cologne-Porz site from November 22nd to 24th, 2023. The EnEx and VaMEx projects initiated by the German Space Agency as well as the TRIPLE and EurEx project lines will present their work. The aim is to identify and utilize synergies as well as coordinate constructive collaboration.

Logo DLR Explorer Initiatives

TRIPLE-nanoAUV Creating Access To The Oceans Of The Planets In Our Solar System („Zugänge schaffen zu den Ozeanen der Planeten unseres Sonnensystems“)

As part of the exhibition MARS findet Stadt for WISSENSCHAFTSJAHR 2023 – UNSER UNIVERSUM of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Dr. Christoph Waldmann (former external TRIPLE project coordinator) has held a lecture on September 12th, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the St. Stephani Cultural Church in Bremen.