The German Geophysical Society (Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellchaft, DGG) held it’s annual conference from March 1st to 5th, 2021. It was a fully virtual meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During one of the poster sessions, a team of several scientists from TRIPLE-FRS and EnEx-WISE presented on the TRIPLE concept and focused on the geophysically most relevant aspects of the project. The attendees showed quite some interest and the discussion can still continue since the conference platform will be available online until the next annual meeting.
Following the conference, the poster was published on the publication server of FID GEO:
Boxberg, Marc S.; Audehm, Jan; Becker, Fabian; Boledi, Leonardo; Burgmann, Ben; Chen, Qian; Friend, Pia; Haberberger, Niklas; Heinen, Dirk; Nghe, Chi Than; Simson, Anna; Stelzig, Michael; Kowalski, Julia, 2021: TRIPLE – Ice Data Hub, Model-based Mission Support and Forefield Reconnaissance System. DOI 10.23689/fidgeo-3968.